Latest Episodes

VR Creates the Trainer That Never Retires, with Immerse’s James Watson & Justin Parry
Imagine being able to learn, hands-on, exactly how to operate a deep-sea submarine — without needing the submarine! That’s the kind of training opportunities...

VR for HR: Learning How to Tell Stories in XR, with BODYSWAPS’ Christophe Mallet
“You cannot learn empathy on powerpoint!” Wise words from today’s guest, Somewhere Else CEO Christophe Mallet, who comes by the show to discuss how...

Sparking Productivity with Hands-Free AR, with Kognitiv Spark’s Yan Simard
Hands-free AR devices like those made by Kognitiv Spark are changing the way we work by helping us all work smarter, not harder. CEO...

Bringing the AR of the Military to the Eyes of Consumers, with ThirdEye Gen’s Nick Cherukuri
A lot of XR technologies started from projects in the military sector, including AR. Today’s guest Nick Cherukuri is working to bring what he’s...

Imagine XR Tomorrow; Build for XR Today, with PTC’s Mike Campbell
PTC LiveWorx is one of the biggest gatherings of up-and-coming XR tech in the industry. With all sorts of amazing future tech demos, PTC’s...

Investing in XR with GFR Fund’s Teppei Tsutsui
Any good XR startup needs someone to invest in their world-changing idea before they can start changing the world. The GFR Fund is one...