XR for Business

Meet the leaders who are changing the face of virtual and augmented reality

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June 23, 2020 00:32:37
Delivering Digital Meatballs in AR, with IKEA’s Martin Enthed

Delivering Digital Meatballs in AR, with IKEA’s Martin Enthed

IKEA might be best known for its affordable furniture, cartoon building instructions, and hard-to-pronounce product names, but that’s not all its about. They’re also...



June 16, 2020 00:24:54
From the Classroom Lab to the Factory Floor in XR, with Labster’s Michael Jensen

From the Classroom Lab to the Factory Floor in XR, with Labster’s Michael Jensen

Labster CEO Michael Jensen was on XR for Learning not-too-long ago, talking about how XR can teach kids science in the classroom. Now he...



June 09, 2020 00:17:12
Keeping VR Clean with UV Beams, featuring Cleanbox’s Amy Hedrick

Keeping VR Clean with UV Beams, featuring Cleanbox’s Amy Hedrick

Even in a virtual world, you still sweat. That’s why it’s important to keep your HMDs clean, especially if there’s multiple users. Cleanbox devised...



May 26, 2020 00:30:27
Leveraging 5G Networks to bring VR to South Korea, with Korea Telecom’s Joonmo Park

Leveraging 5G Networks to bring VR to South Korea, with Korea Telecom’s Joonmo Park

For most of the world, a cross-country, gapless 5G network is still the realm of futurists. One exception is South Korea, where a 5G...



May 19, 2020 00:23:50
Anchoring AR Content, with Simply Augmented’s Boaz Ashkenazy

Anchoring AR Content, with Simply Augmented’s Boaz Ashkenazy

Seeing is believing, but in the age of 3D product views through AR technology, seeing is also conceptualizing. Simply Augmented CEO Boaz Ashkenazy comes...



May 12, 2020 00:18:42
Getting Miners Used to Gigantic Tires in VR, with Sheridan College’s Nick Ullrich

Getting Miners Used to Gigantic Tires in VR, with Sheridan College’s Nick Ullrich

Surface miners, like the ones safety instructor Nick Ullrich teaches, get to play with some pretty big toys, like loading trucks with tires three...
