Latest Episodes

Zambezi Co-Founder Jenna Seiden Partners Up with Jimmy Fallon and Captain Marvel to Showcase Hit VR Game
What better publicity could a VR company ask for, than to have an Avenger demo your product in prime time, on one of the...

Meet Bobby, the 3D-Scanned Teddy Bear (XR News 8/15/19)
If you didn’t think our 3-episode-a-week release schedule was dizzying enough, welcome to the XR for Business Podcast’s new weekly news rundown! The space...

Getting Fit with a VR Toolkit, and Other XR Tips with VRdōjō’s Michael Eichenseer
We talk a lot about the business use cases of XR on this podcast, but any good business comes with a great fitness plan...

Off to Digital Market We Go, with InContext Solutions’ Tracey Wiedmeyer
The power of XR will never be able to destroy the good ol‘ desire to go out and shop, but that doesn’t mean that...

Becoming an XR Iron Man with Praemo’s Paul Boris
Tony Stark’s flashy, nanotech gold-titanum suit of armour might be a thing of fantasy, but some of his other powers are on the cusp...

Retraining for a Post-Retirement World with VRVoice’s Bob Fine
A good friend of Alan’s, publisher of the online XR news publication, VR Voice, drops by the show for a general chat about the...